"Cheesy" Roasted Cauliflower and Tahini Kale Salad

"Cheesy" Roasted Cauliflower and Tahini Kale Salad

This is my favorite detox salad. It's super clean and easy to make. Warm, roasted cauliflower on top of a kale salad with tahini and chili oil. Nutritional yeast is the key ingredient here, giving it a cheesy, comforting taste.

I love adding radishes to my salads, they had a really crunchy texture and a pepper-y taste.

Lately I haven't been able to get enough of scallions, so I added a full scallion into this salad.


  • Preheat oven to 450 degrees.

  • Cover one washed, organic cauliflower head with 2 tbsp olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic, and a tbsp of nutritional yeast. Pop the entire head in the oven for 50 minutes or until browned.

Tahini Chili Dressing

  • 2 tbsp soy sauce

  • 1/2 cup tahini

  • 1/3 cup olive oil

  • 1/4 cup water

  • 1 tsp cayenne

  • 1 tbsp chili oil

Mix in a blender until creamy. Store in the fridge. Leftovers will thicken, so add water accordingly when re-using! 

Massage your washed, organic kale in the dressing. Cut up the cauliflower to bite sized pieces. Thinly slice some radishes and scallions and layer them on top. Then add more nutritional yeast and some red chili flakes.